HAMBURG - VIDEOPRODUKTION Video content creator video production music video production

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From the results of over 2 decades of video production

Threatened, tormented, traumatized - the citizens' voice of the Burgenland...

Your support is needed! ... »

My child had a mild cold. I brought it to school on Monday. We went to the doctor - because of the sick note and a PCR test. My child cried bitterly. My child has Asperger's autism. The doctor threatened us. The regulatory office would be notified so that the test could be carried out.

HAMBURG - VIDEOPRODUKTION - the most economical and yet professional way to record events, conferences, concerts, discussions, theater performances ...
... to publish them on TV, web, on BluRay, DVD.

Not losing the high claim despite low financial resources?

Normally you cannot choose between both options. HAMBURG - VIDEOPRODUKTION is the exception and the only video production company to refute this rule. Current cameras with large 1-inch image sensors of the same type of the latest generation are used. Excellent image quality is achieved even under difficult lighting conditions. Cameras can be controlled remotely through the use of programmable motorized pan-tilts, minimizing the need for personnel and reducing costs.

We offer the following services, among others

Multi-camera video production (parallel recording with multiple cameras)

A main field of activity of HAMBURG - VIDEOPRODUKTION is multi-camera video recording and video production. Professional cameras of the same type are used. When it comes to image quality, HAMBURG - VIDEOPRODUKTION makes no compromises. The recording is at least in 4K/UHD. The video editing is done using professional software on high-performance computers. As one of the few video producers, HAMBURG - VIDEOPRODUKTION can produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p.
Video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings ...

For the video recording of concerts, theater performances, readings, etc., we consistently use the multi-camera method. Using the multi-camera method, we realize the video recording of the stage performance from many different perspectives. Remote-controlled cameras are used. The cameras are controlled in a variety of ways from just one central point. This reduces manpower and costs because a single person can control multiple cameras.
Video reports for TV, streaming and internet

Through working as a video journalist for many years, I was able to gain relevant experience in this area. Hundreds of video reports and TV contributions have been made over the years. The researched topics as well as the locations were very different and varied. The topics ranged from current news and information to cultural and sporting events, social events and much more. Due to our many experiences, we are able to work for you in almost all topics to produce TV reports and video reports.
Video production of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

The use of several cameras is also useful for the video production of rounds of talks, interviews, discussion events, etc. If the questioner is not to be shown in the picture in interviews with only one person, two cameras are sometimes completely sufficient. In any case, more than two cameras are required when it comes to video recording of interviews and conversations with several people. Remotely controllable cameras would be used if it is an event with an audience. The technical effort is reduced if the video recording is of discussions without an audience.
Video editing, video cutting, audio editing

Of course, recording events, concerts, interviews and discussions is not enough. The second and at least as important part of a video production is the video editing. The audio tracks or soundtracks must be viewed and adjusted when the video material is edited. A complete video production includes the creation and integration of logos, blurbs and, if necessary, additional image, text and video material. If you would like video material from you or from other sources to be integrated, you are welcome to submit this. Audio tracks from concert recordings can also be remixed and remastered.
Small series of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs

Our range of services also includes the production of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs in small series. When it comes to archiving audio, video and data, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer clear advantages. Memory cards, hard drives and USB sticks are not designed to last forever. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs lack electronic components. Thus, these potential weak points and causes for data loss are missing. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs are the best choice for selling, giving away or archiving music and videos as a keepsake.

From the results of over 2 decades of video production
Ring tram in Naumburg: Andreas Messerli in an interview on the expansion of the transport network and the importance of the new stop.

Relief for passengers: New stop at Naumburg main station for ring ... »
Scandal in Weissenfels: Olaf Scholz's farewell speech leaked! The explosive revelations from October 30, 2023

Democracy drama: Olaf Scholz's farewell speech public! The explosive leak in Weissenfels ... »
TV report about the successful popular sport tournament for children and young people of the Zeitz Bergisdorf riding and driving club in the Burgenland district.

The second chairwoman of the riding and driving club Zeitz Bergisdorf, Ivonne Pioch, in an ...»
Weißenfels commemorates the First World War with a new exhibition The museum in Weißenfels Castle has opened a new exhibition on the subject of "Home in the War 1914 1918". An interview with the museum director Aiko Wulf gives insights into the research work and the creation of the exhibition.

"Heimat im Krieg 1914 1918" - New exhibition in the museum in Weißenfels Castle ... »
Women's suffrage: A celebration in the Castle Museum - A TV report on the celebration and exhibition Would Choose Itself in the Castle Museum in Neu-Augustusburg in Weißenfels, with an interview with the photographer Sabine Felber and other participants.

Women's suffrage: An exhibition for the 100th anniversary - A TV report on the ... »
Sound connections: How music unites people! - A conversation about life school with Christine Beutler and Simone Voss (educator)

Harmonies of life: Simone Voss (educator) in dialogue with Christine Beutler about the ... »
"The beauty of Freyburg (Unstrut): TV report about a city tour with city guide Günter Tomczak"

"Discover Freyburg (Unstrut): City tour with Günter Tomczak to the wine terraces, St. ... »
With the tram through Europe: A journey through different countries and their cultures

Discussion round in the Naumburg ring road: Schoolchildren discuss the importance of ... »

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Šo lapu atjaunināja Susan Mei - 2024.09.29 - 02:07:52